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Thursday, November 26, 2009

How to Survive the New Terror at Work - The Workplace Bully

Thousands of children are afraid to school because a bully to go. Have you ever wondered what happens to the bully in school? Now, this playground got to bat, got a job, and today is a workplace bully. She still uses threats, ridicule, and a negative tendency to terrorize those around them.

Bullying is aggressive or inappropriate behavior designed to destroy a negative impact or a colleague. Workplace bats can executives, colleagues, subordinates and evenCustomers. Workplace bats are insecure people who try their insecurities with control and domination mask. The goal usually offers a glimpse into the racket. Bullies often target people they envy people who want the qualities and talents of the tyrant who possessed them. The batter tries to destroy the highly skilled and talented people to feel more secure in her employment. According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, the following are the most common tactics used in the workplaceRacquet:
Wrong target for criticism of the quality of work.
Staring, glaring, non-verbal intimidation, and shows hostility.
Discounting the objectives of thoughts or feelings.
Sabotage or disrupts the ability to work on the target.
Ridiculous, to undermine, scream, yell, and on target.
Nitpicking and attention to unimportant details.
Again and again, remember the goal of errors.
The threat of job, reputation or professional status.
Abuse of the rating ofHigher than the performance of the target.
The declaration of the goal "unruly" because it is followed by arbitrary commands.
Assigning the target undesirable work as punishment.
Creating unrealistic deadlines, tasks and work demands.
To stop promoting the objective or the transfer or face more mistreatment.
Failure of the project by ensuring the target is not on the stage required tasks, such as sign-offs, taking calls, working with collaborators.Many employees not to report workplace bullying for fear ofthat the behavior will get worse, or they will lose their jobs. But, ignoring the behavior is not to solve the problem. "Bullies do not reform - always," said Bruce Taylor, Owner and Principle of Unison Coaching. "You can hide the bullying for a while, or move to another victim, but she will not stop bullying." Bullies enjoy bullying. Bullying is a character trait, which has exacerbated the bat for a year. It is their way of life now. The bullying is usually not to the deliberate attackEmployee resigns or is terminated. Gary Namie, a psychology professor at Western Washington University, says: "Once the bullying starts, can stay most of them only 16.5 months, because it costs them their health." You can handle bullying in the following ways:

1. You must perform your job and also make sure that you do your job well. Bullying takes an enormous emotional toll on the goal. Is great that emotional causes of yourWorse performance, then the bully's unfounded allegations of poor performance can be justified allegations of poor performance must be supplied. They can not defeat a workplace bullying, if you do your job, good results.

2. You should not internalize the tyrant attacks criticize. Workplace bat constantly ridicule and denigrate their goal. That can beat down the goal and the goal to believe that the tyrant of the negative statements are true. The goal must beRejection of these lies.

3. You should gather their witnesses, staff, and friends for their defense. It's fantastic when people who can support your assertions. However, since 72% of bosses are being harassed, it may not be who you support. Employees are rarely willing to take on a boss, boss above all, a tyrant.

4. They should avoid personal interaction with the bat. Some clubs recognize that their behaviorThey shall refrain from inappropriate and ill-treated before others. If your workplace bullying, you only abused in private then avoid personal interactions. Moreover, there are witnesses who can testify to the behavior of the bat, if the interactions are not private.

5. You should document the bat's behavior. Your claims will be taken more seriously if they are objectively and not emotionally present. Remove your assertions of the emotional realm, when youApproach your employer with a fully documented facts, ie names, dates, witnesses and details.

6. You should consider filing an internal complaint against the tyrants. You have to know someone else in your company, how you are treated. You should all the complaint to the Human Resources Department, a senior company official, or someone in the company's complaint procedures.

7. You should consider looking for a new job. WorkplaceBullying usually ends with the resignation of the employee or the termination. After losing the Workplace Bullying Institute, bullied "more than 80 percent of the respondents their jobs." You should consider looking for a job, so that you can rely on your terms.

8. You should consider filing an external complaint against the employer and / or the tyrant. Sixty-two percent of employers ignore complaints about bullying in the workplace. This means that your help is likely to come from aPerson or entity outside your company.

Bullying is four times more frequently than illegal harassment. But most employers ignore the complaints of bullying, told the victim to "Work It Out" with the bat. Employers who do not appreciate this way to react, the financial costs of bullying and on the fact that workplace bullying is not illegal. There are 16 countries that consider "healthy workplace" legislation outlawing workplace bullyingbut until now no state has banned the bullying in the workplace. So, you should avoid to describe your situation as bullying. Instead, you should recognize the concepts of law such as harassment, discrimination and hostile working environment. If your physical characteristics or those of your harasser, make it difficult for you to maintain a viable harassment, discrimination or hostile work environment, then you should speak with regard to illegal acts such as assault, intentional infliction ofEmotional distress, and tortious interference with employment. The Indiana Supreme Court has recently decided Raess v. Doescher, an event many call the first harassment case. In the case Raess Joseph Doescher sued a surgeon, who badly treated at work. The Indiana Supreme Court stated in its written submission that "could be harassment in the workplace as a form of intentional infliction of emotional distress." And the jury awarded $ 325,000 Doescher demand on his attack. Thereare legal actions, causes of bullying in the workplace to achieve. You should see the legal conditions and not with "bullying" when speaking with your employer.

Legal risk is not the only risk of workplace bullying is for the companies. Bullying represents a significant financial cost for companies in terms of productivity, operating costs, and quality of work. A University of North Carolina bullying study found that 28% of working time lost to the goals of preventing bats, 22% of the objectivesdropped their work and 12% of the objectives changed jobs to avoid the bully. Health care costs also emphasize the goal of promotion to a disease or illness, medical treatment, disease, or FMLA requires leave. If the targeted employee resigns or is terminated, the company will be significant costs in recruiting and training a replacement and loss account of the company's wisdom and experience. Human resources experts estimate that replacing an employee costs a company two to three times the lostThe employee's salary. It is also the time and cost of internal staff dealing with complaints about the behavior. So, you should discuss any emotions or moral indecency, if you complain of harassment at the workplace. You should speak one language, your employer will pay attention to and understand. . . legal and financial risks.

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