Assault attorney

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Brain Injuries and Lasting Ramifications

About 50,000 people die every year from brain injuries and 80,000 to 90,000 can expect more long-term disability because of a brain experiencing trauma. It is estimated that 5.3 million Americans currently live with disabilities due to brain injury.

Brain injuries often go undiagnosed because they are easily missed by MRI and CT scans. Some of the symptoms such as behavioral disorders are not recognized emotional problems and personality changes without further ado as a brain injury. As such,Brain injuries are the leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults.

There are two types of brain injuries, not innate: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and acquired brain injury. Traumatic brain injury includes an external blow to the head hard enough that the brain hits the inside of the skull and is injured. Following is not exhaustive but are some examples of incidents that cause TBI:

· Car Accidents

· SkiingAccidents

· Assault

· Sports Injuries

· Shaken Baby Syndrome

Acquired brain injury due to metabolic changes to the function of the brain. These may be caused by a lack of oxygen or lack of blood flow to the brain from accidents such as near-drowning, strangulation choking, electric shock, trauma to the head or neck, shock, circulatory disorders, heart attack, aneurysm, brain tumors or toxic exposure .

All brain injuries arepotentially very serious and requires immediate medical attention. For some people, the injury can only be slight and temporary discomfort such as headaches or dizziness and balance disorders. Others, however, the face lifelong complications, such as behavioral or cognitive problems or even coma. Some have even brain injury die.

There are ways to protect yourself from brain injury and during the following tips may seem simple, they could save your life or the life of another.

1. Always wearSeat belt and insist that others in your vehicle, they contribute to ride.

2. Never a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

3. Keep firearms unloaded and locked in a gun safe or cabinet.

4. Always wear a helmet when participating in sports where injury is possible.

Sometimes, brain injuries can not be avoided, but are not the fault of anyone in particular. But other times these disastrous consequences are the fault or negligence of another, made like trafficAccidents, medical malpractice or faulty equipment.

"A lawyer that specializes in brain injury cases, you can decide if someone else was at fault for your injuries and if you can receive compensation for medical bills and needs with other financial aid received," said Brian J. Glick of Glick Law Firm in Boca Raton, FL.

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