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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Juvenile Crime

Juvenile crime is one that can run away like crimes are committed as adults, including theft, assault, robbery, and many others, but also the status offenses, violation of curfew and underage drinking. Status offenses are actions that are illegal for adolescents, but were not illegal for adults. Most states recognize young people as persons seventeen and under.

Studies show that almost half of the reported offenses were for juvenile disorderly conduct, curfewInjuries, drug abuse, robbery, assault and simple. The penalties range from fines and probation to jail time and distance from the home environment.

There are many causes of juvenile delinquency, but many studies point to parental neglect, misuse, in school problems, questions, or community. Research has shown that many people who are charged with crimes as a juvenile will continue to offenders to the adult level. Programs for rehabilitation and education go a long way towardsto correct destructive behavior, but should not prove always successful.

Several states have taken steps to ensure that young people are not removed from the home, in the interest of preserving the unity of the family met. In these cases the perpetrators are usually required to pay restitution, transfer of licenses and are committed to programs for rehabilitation. Other states have a strong institutional systems to remove offenders from the streets and in youth prisonCenters.

Be tried as a juvenile often very different from adult criminal trials. The majority of juvenile cases are an informal way is, although serious crimes, a formal procedure might be required. If the juvenile admits guilt and shows remorse, the judge may issue an informal arrangement require the youth to meet specific requirements. Young people, the standard rights to a fair trial, rights against self-incrimination are provided, and the right to call witnesses.

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