d long term relationships. Abuse takes place in all communities, ages, social classes, and cultures.
There are many forms of domestic violence that include: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, social control, and financial control. Domestic violence can take many forms including physical violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse, or social or financial control.
Domestic abuse does not have to be physical or sexual to be considered domestic violence. No form of abuse is acceptable. The following details the types of abuse that should be reported
Physical abuse: This type of violence results in physical harm. The abuser will engage in such behavior as punching, strangling, slapping, hitting, pushing. They may also break household items and even damage walls and doors,
Emotional abuse: This type of abuse takes place when a partner uses abusive words to maintain control. The victim will be afraid to speak out because of the fear of retaliation by the abuser. The victim will often be depressed and have no self esteem. Threats abusers will make include: threatening to kill the partner and/or family members, threatening to take his or her own life, threaten to hurt the children or pets, and constantly calling the partner names and yelling and criticizing them.
Social abuse: This type of abuse involves a partner trying to control the other partner's social and financial life. It can include: keeping them in the house by taking away their vehicle and money, disconnecting the phone, keeping them away from family and friends, locking them in a room, keeping them from attending community activities such as Church or parent/teacher sessions at their children's school, and fighting with family and friends. They may also take control of the bank accounts and paying the bills.
Stalking; This type of behavior involves one partner harassing the other partner. It can be in the form of following them to school, work, or to a social event. They may stand outside and watch them. They will also constantly call and email. They may also try to contact them through coworkers, friends, and family.
Cyberstalking: This abuse takes place using the internet and email technology to stalk a person. It is a deliberate and persistent method of contacting a person. The messages are usually disturbing and threatening.
Sexual abuse: This type of abuse takes place when a partner forces the other partner to engage in uncomfortable sexual activities. Types of abuse include: making them have sex when they don't want to, making them have sex with other people, engaging in sexual activities that are painful and demeaning, and rape.
Spiritual Abuse: This form of abuse involves one person using religious beliefs to manipulate and control a partner. They may use religion to force a partner to live a certain way. They may force their children to practice their beliefs and they may ridicule or belittle a partner's beliefs.
The worst outcome of a domestic violence partnership is the death of a partner. Domestic murder is very common throughout the world. Without help or intervention, the risk of death becomes greatly increased. If you know someone who is the victim of abuse or if you are an abuse victim, it is important to contact the proper authorities for help. Love is not supposed to hurt.
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