Assault attorney

Saturday, January 30, 2010


This video shows the four simple interest rate contracts which total more than $ 187,000.00 U.S. dollars worth of guilt in the A FRAUDULENT 9 months. This is the same kind of fraud in bankruptcy AMERICA HAS AND HAS CAUSED THE PRESENT DEPRESSION. YOU SEE, 4 trillion U.S. dollars WOULD UP The Great Depression of 1930 affected the goods and we had little or no debt then as AGAINST THE NOW. More facts: DISTRICT ATTORNEY DAVID ROGER, MAYOR Oscar Goodman, Dan Towbin, Josh Towbin, CAROLYN Towbin, Carolin Towbin, LASVEGAS METRO POLICE & THE CONTACT TRISHA KEAN 13 are all corrupt fraud. They examined our volunteer Jim Gibbons GOVERNOR FOR Sexual Assault Caught on Video TAPE. BUT WHAT THE VIDEO TAPE as empty as the false allegations MADE BY MISS Chrissy Mazzeo. STILL Trisha Kean and the media and aired this false ASSAULT OF BLANK videotapes, CHRISSY MAZZEO was CONFIRMED. YOU HAVE UP REAL CRIME Towbin Caught on Video-band. But they love a false story ABOUT Dicks, PUSSIESAND gender or sexual assaults. YOUR day before a grand jury soon. ALL YOUTUBE viewers will soon know that I am not a worthless NIGGER Looking to get something for nothing. You know that I am a real victim. DISTRICT ATTORNEY DAVID ROGER, MAYOR GOODMAN, LAS VEGAS METRO POLICE, DMV, CONSUMER PROTECTION and Trisha Kean (CONTACT 13) seems to BE PROTECTING DAN Towbin, Josh Towbin, AND THEIR THUG EMPLOYEE'S & Associates (KING OF CARS, JEEP Towbin, Towbin HUMMER, Towbin INFINITY, TowbinCars, Towbin Rolls Royce, Bentley Towbin. You have allowed them to me with attacks, racist insults (FUCKING KIKE), FALSE, police reports, fraud, extortion, and hate crimes ATTACH. DO NOT GO TO PORN SITES 4 MR. DICK & MISS PUSSY CAT. SEE ME GET SCREWED BY police, Mayor Goodman, David Roger & Towbin XXX: It's Time For Rolls Royce, Bentley, General Motors and other car manufacturers to a dealership REVOKE Towbin's license. MR. Michael Savage OF THE San Francisco-based right-wing SAVAGE NATIONRadio program. PLEASE HAVE ME ON YOUR SHOW To the corruption of Las Vegas (DAVID ROGER), Alderman (Mayor Oscar Goodman), METRO POLICE AND EXPOSE Towbin AUTOMOTIVE companies. Jay Leno of NBC's Tonight Show and A & E Television WHO AIRS KING OF CARS reality show. PLEASE LET ME ON your TV show Exposé Systematic acts of FRAUD, attacks, racial slurs and hate crimes BY DAN Towbin, Josh Towbin AND OR THEIR worker . AFTER MY YouTube videos SEVERAL FELONY crime committed by TowbinAND THEIR employee. Do you think the media and the city of Las Vegas (Mayor Goodman, DA DAVID ROGER, Metropolitan Police, the Attorney General, CONTACT 13, etc.) is damaged NOT FOR fining, closing and detention OR Towbin and co-workers? Representative Shelley Berkley & Senator Townsend please help me. See how Las Vegas officials are violating permits Towbin & personal to my Civil Rights, Constitutional Rights and Free Speech. Via Fraud, False Police Reports, Assaults, Crying, Hate Crimes, ViolentThreats and intimidation. I SHOWED THE MAYOR AND THE CITY Oscar Goodman of Las Vegas "my patents list and related documents. MY SEATBELT ON PRODUCTS AND MY PRE-inflated AIR BAG PRODUCTS ARE THAT 100% safe for babies, teens and adults. But they do not CARE. YOU continue to authorize prevent Towbin and son Rob, CHEATING ME, ME ASSAULT, intimidate me, AND PRODUCTION AND SALE OF MY LIFE savings products. So I will Towbin SUE AND THE CITY FOR $ 100 million U.S. dollars. In addition, I ask the juryConsider $ 1 billion U.S. dollars. IF YOU AGREE THAT MAYOR GOODMAN, DAVID ROGER, METRO Police, The DMV, CONSUMER PROTECTION, the Better Business B., WFS FINANCIAL AND OTHERS DID WITH CONSPIRE Towbin AND FAIL MALISIOUSLY intentionally or enforcement of existing legislation. SO, against my civil rights, constitutional rights and PROVE TO ME TO loses extremely long periods of pain, suffering, distress, humiliation, RISK AND BUSINESS mental anguish. KING OF CARS (kingofcars), Towbin HUMMER, TowbinCars, Towbin JEEP, Towbin Towbin DODGE SUPERSTORE AND INFINITY. SEE VIDEOS OF their organized criminal activities. LOOK LIKE THE MAYOR AND DISTRICT ATTORNEY DAVID ROGER GOODMAN & SON PROTECTS Towbin and allows them to defame ME, ME CHEATING, ASSAULT arrested me, and hate crimes against ME WITHOUT investigation or prosecution, or.

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