Assault attorney

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Electronic Assault by UAV--Chemtrails: Air Stalkers Spray Their Toxins Over Alpharetta, GA Citizens

"Oscar Bin Laden", the moniker I've given the ex-paramour, a Naval Reserve Intelligence Officer and nearly disbarred attorney, who started out as a solo stalker and became the leader of this falseflag domestic terrorism organized crime gang stalker network campaign, is at it again. He's spraying chemtrails on the residents of upscale Alpharetta, GA in an attempt to gas me, probably to death. (Chemtrails was the method used to spray dispersants over the Gulf of Mexico to break up the BP oil spill.) This video shows the sky outside my latest hotel in the city over which chemtrails have been spread while other guests swim the pool and the unsuspecting residents of Alpharetta, GA go about their weekend activities while breathing in these same toxins. He and his frat brother and his frat brother's business partner (whom I've named "Francisco Chavez" (a former US Marine) and "Charles Taylor" respectively) are sociopaths who don't mind the collateral damage they cause if they can "win" this "war game" by eliminating "the target"). Do you Atlantans want to be breathing these poisons? I live in the area now. I'm not leaving. They should be the ones required to go--to prison. They are committing crimes and have involved a number of your neighbors, friends, colleagues, fellow club and church members, the parents of your kids' friends, the utility workers that service you home, local law "endorsement", etc. Visit my blog for documentation of these kinds of campaigns brought to this ...

Tags : dvd monitor

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